Talking to Salvador Dali

                                                      for Jim Tate

You were right, darling—
this is how it looks at the end of the century.

Weird curves in the distance—
and only a fragment are highways

the rest belong to the landscape.
And all those tongues and sex parts jutting out—

it’s hard to ignore them
no matter what kind of girl I am.

That figure in the distance is not a peacock.
It’s a man waving.  It’s his shadow

that causes confusion, I think.
My lover’s mouth, too, keeps coming up

again and again as a sofa
full of teeth and good intentions

and I can’t say no, now, can I?
Come in, come in, he says.  Have a seat.

West Branch    

Latest comments

16.07 | 22:46

Woweezowee, Missy, Congratulations on your new book!!!
This is a great web page where I can finally access all your writings!

25.01 | 00:56

I have been reading your poems occasionally because I am not used to poetry and need practice. I LOVE this poem.
xoxx Leslie

28.12 | 18:58

Missy-Marie, first, my best wishes & many blessings for the new year 2015, soon to be! Second, congratulations for all your beautiful master pieces creations.

12.08 | 01:04

Still chuckling as I write this. Wonderful nugget of family life.